These inner enemies come armed with deceptive allure, masquerading as friends or saviors, promising relief, pleasure, or escape. But, as anyone on the journey to recovery knows, yielding to these false promises leads only to more suffering. SMART Recovery arms individuals in this battle with an arsenal of tools, one of the most potent being DISARM – Destructive Images and Self-talk Awareness and Refusal Method.

External rewards can be positive, such as good grades, a physical award or trophy, or even praise from others. Yet these external rewards can also be based on avoiding negative consequences, such as going to prison, receiving a fine, or being punished or shamed by others. They can establish stability and routine during recovery by scheduling everything from therapy sessions to free time. It could be anything, from a sunny day to having their favorite meal on their birthday.

Bringing Real Change

Finding the perfect quote for what you’re experiencing right now can be like finding medicine—or magic. This is a list of the 44 most inspirational quotes for addiction recovery. Write them out to post on your wall, make then the wallpaper on your phone or computer, have them printed onto a t-shirt, or recite them to yourself whenever you need a boost. 10-minute video clip from Jo Harvey Weatherford about her personal recovery journey. The final step in 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is to spread the message to other people living with addiction.

  • This journey can be daunting, but having a strong backing can offer encouragements, guidance and accountability.
  • These real-life success stories and testimonials show the power of determination, resilience, and support.
  • They can establish stability and routine during recovery by scheduling everything from therapy sessions to free time.
  • Renew motivation after a relapse by reminding oneself of the reasons for pursuing recovery and recommitting to the process.
  • Many people who are discouraged by their behaviors use quotes as tools to build motivation and encouragement.
  • Make sure goals are measurable (How do you know how close you are to achieving it?) and specific (Can you clearly define when your goal will be met?).
  • It is easy to romanticize the life you once lived while using substances.

Being of service to others in recovery can also light up the fire of motivation. It’s essential to get back your motivation and keep going for sobriety. A good support system is really important in staying motivated after relapsing. Sober support networks are also available and consist of peers in recovery. They provide a secure place for open and honest conversations about obstacles, successes and further progress.


You may find it difficult to keep your thoughts from becoming negative—life isn’t perfect after all—but you shouldn’t try to fight it. When your thoughts become recovery motivation negative, recognize that they are just thoughts, not reality. Seeing negativity in this way will help you let go of it in favor of more positive thoughts.

recovery motivation

The person you are at the start of addiction treatment is completely different from the person you’ll become after ten years of sobriety—but it’s still YOU who will make that transformation happen. Feeling good and taking care of your mental health are huge factors in determining your motivation to recover. Once you begin to feel good in your own skin, your desire to steer back to substances will lessen overtime. Based on an individualistic experience, finding what motivates you to stay sober is a big part of the battle of staying sober. Since everyone is different, there is no set methodology that will work for every person besides a willpower to change.

thoughts on “18 Best TED Talks for Addiction & Recovery”

One key component to assist with this, SAMHSA says, is an empathetic counselor who can help you not only remain in treatment but lower your substance use. Studies show that a counselor or treatment program that helps patients in strengthening their own self-motivation will increase their likelihood of commitment to a specific behavioral change plan. On the other hand, external (or extrinsic) motivation is driven by external rewards, explains

  • Furthermore, motivation gives a purpose and meaning in their journey.
  • It is also a disease that requires professional help to overcome.
  • One can find meaning in spirituality through organized religions, AA/ NA groups, nature, music, groups of people, or an understanding of a higher power.
  • Getting enough sleep, exercise, and water and fueling our bodies with healthy foods can help us feel good both physically and mentally.